单同学 162个月前 提问
- 香港岭南大学的工商管理学院如何?
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刘颖老师 162个月前回复
- BA(HONS) 即Bachelor of Business Administrations (Honours)
BBA分了5个不同的Department (学系)
Department of Accountancy - Accounting
Department of Finance and Insurance - Finance / Risk and Insurance Management
Department of Computing and Decision Sciences - Computing & Decision Sciences
Department of Management - Human Resource Management
Department of Marketing and International Business - Marketing
第一年系foundation courses (基础课程), 以上全部必读, 冇得拣
第二年可以选stream, 但系唔系以后只需要读某范畴, 只系侧重, 其他都要读,呢个会在下一章再讲
岭南学制, 要毕业需要90学分, (最多99), 绝大部份科目系3学分一科
同学仔一年至少读30学分, 即10科, 但为了日后可以minor, 多数学生第一年也会修读11科, 基本上3年毕业