向同学 154个月前 提问
- 堪培拉大学教育学院有哪些本科专业?
- 154个月前回复
- 堪培拉大学(http://m.liuxue360.com/au/canberra/)教育学院本科专业:
社区教育学士(Bachelor of Community Education)
儿童早期教育教育学学士(8岁前)(Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Teaching)(Brith-8 Years)
儿童早期教育教育学学士(3-8岁)(Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Teaching)(3-8 Years)
中学教学教育学学士(k-10岁)(Bachelor of Education in Middle School Teaching)(K-10)
儿童早期教育学士(要求本科学历)(Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood)(Graduate Entry)
小学教学教育学学士(Bachelor of Educaiton in Primary Teaching)
中学教育教育学学士(要求本科学历)(Bachelor of Education in Secondary Teaching)(Graduate Entry)
中学教育教育学学士(设计与科学学科)(Bachelor of Education in Secondary Teaching)(Design and Technology)
中学教育教育学学士(健康与体育学科)(Bachelor of Education in Secondary Teaching)(Health and Physical Education)
中学教育教育学学士(音乐学科)(Bachelor of Education in Secondary Teaching)(Music)