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- 想问一下伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院的学费是多少?
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刘颖老师 153个月前回复
- 伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院(http://school.m.liuxue360.com/uk/qmul/)
International Student Tuition Fees - September 2011 Entry
All prices are in UK Pounds Sterling.
Fees are quoted per annum and inclusive of bench fees (where applicable) unless otherwise stated.
Presessional courses
Y2E1 5-week pre-sessional English language programme (tuition only) £1,600
Y2E2 9-week pre-sessional English language programme (tuition only) £2,550
Y2E3 13-week pre-sessional English language programme (tuition only) £3,700
Foundation courses
FGHY/HZ International Science and Engineering Foundation Programme - Undergraduate Foundation Certificate £10,200
Y2GE Social Sciences and Humanities - Foundation Certificate £10,200
Y2QE Social Sciences and Humanities - Pre-Masters Diploma £10,200
Science & Engineering Foundation Courses - Foundation year (Year 0) of 4/5 year programme
CCX1 Biological Science 4 Year - BSc (SEfBi4) £10,200
FFX1 Chemistry 4 Year - BSc (SEfCh4) £10,200
FFY1 Chemistry 5 Year - MSc (SEfCh5) £10,200
GGX4 Computer Science 4 Year - BSc (SEfCS4) £10,200
GGY4 Computer Science 5 Year - MSc (SEfCS5) £10,200
HHX6 Electronic Engineering 4 Year - BEng (SEfEE) £10,206
HHY6 Electronic Engineering 5 Year - MEng (SEEE5) £10,200
HHX1 Engineering 4 Year - BSc (SEfE4) £10,200
HHY1 Engineering 5 Year - MEng (SEfE5) £10,200
JJX5 Materials Science 4 Year - BEng (SEfMS) £10,200
JJY5 Materials Science 5 Year - MEng (SEfMS) £10,200
GGX1 Mathematical Science 4 Year - BSc (SEfMS4) £10,200
GGY1 Mathematical Science 5 Year - MSc (SEfMS5) £10,200
FFX3 Physics 4 Year - BSc (SEfPh4) £10,200
FFY3 Physics 5 Year - MSc (SEfPh5) £10,200
Undergraduate courses
Standard Arts/Classroom based Courses £11,300
Standard Laboratory-based Courses £13,250
A100 Medicine - MBBS Years 1 and 2 £16,442
A300 Medicine - MBBS Years 3 and 5 £26,224
A200 Dentistry - BDS Year 1 £14,300
A400 Dentistry - BDS Year 2-5 £24,500
A101 Medicine - MBBS Graduate Entry Programme - Year 1 £16,442
A301 Medicine - MBBS Graduate Entry Programme - Years 2 - 4 £26,224
A201 Dentist - BDS Graduate Entry program - Years 1-2-3 and Final £24,500
B9M... Intercalated BSc/BMed Sci £13,350
Exceptions to the above:
Y21*-Y23* Academic Campus English - no award. per 3-month course £3,500
Y01*-Y04* Campus English - no award £1,500
Y2AE Associates - no award. Single Semester(autumn) £5,650
Y2BE Associates - no award. Single Semester (spring) £5,650
Y2FE Associates - no award. Full year £11,300
GG41 Computer Science and Mathematics - BSc £12,100
A4C5 Dental Technology - Graduate Certificate (inc. £1,050 bench fee) £7,850
L1ED Economics - Graduate Diploma £12,100
A3EX Health Care Administration and Medical Terminology - no award - Semester A (30 credits) £1,350
A3EY Health Care Administration and Medical Terminology - no award - Semester B (30 credits) £1,350
A3EZ Health Care Administration and Medical Terminology - no award - Full year (60 credits) £2,700
GG14 Mathematics and Computing - BSc £12,100
A3EJ/EK Medical Terminology and Health Care Administration - Cert HE (full-time or part-time cost for whole course) £5,400
A4EC Oral Health Education - Foundation Certificate (part-time) £2,000
A3EF Primary Health Care Management - Cert HE (full-time or part-time cost for whol