殷同学 151个月前 提问
- 想去南安普顿念海商法,不知道各项要求是多少,念LLM的雅思成绩必须是7.5吗?
- 151个月前回复
- 南安普顿大学(http://m.liuxue360.com/uk/soton/)入学要求:
Bachelor's Degree awarded by a high ranked Chinese university with an average grade of at least 70-80%;
LLM 语言要求:雅思7分,6.5分需要读5周语言课程。
IELTS 7.0, TOEFL 625 (paper-based)/263 (computer-based)/106 (internet based).
A score of IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 600/250/100 together with attendance at the five week LLM Pre-sessional programme on English legal language and skills will be accepted.