
穆同学 148个月前 提问
博客微信QQ电话资料朴锡春老师 148个月前回复
Reynella East High School( certainly bekeen to hear of anyone who would like to assist theCouncil in any of the committees that it establishes.In the meantime, planning continues for our majorrebuilding program, with weekly meetings with thearchitects looking at every aspect of the newbuildings and refurbished older buildings. Whilesome preparatory work has begun, the majorconstruction is not scheduled to start until themiddle of next year. Our new classrooms will not becompleted until the middle of 2012. All of this meansthat we will continue to operate fairly much as weare for at least the next couple of years, in that theCPC - Year 7 section of the school will continue tooccupy the existing primary school site and havelesson breaks at different times to the Year 8 - 12section of the school.
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