邹同学 148个月前 提问
- 老师,您能够详细介绍哈雷海湾学校吗?
- 148个月前回复
- Hallett Cove School(http://m.liuxue360.com/au/hcs/) opened in February. 1987 as the only R-10 school in metropolitan Adelaide. Ms Susan Monks was the school's first Principal and there were 300 students from Reception to Year 7 on the first day of school. The school grew rapidly and classroom accommodation shortages and zoning issues were topics of conversation throughout 1988 - 89.
Middle School at Hallett Cove encompasses Years 7 through to 9. Our curriculum and methodologies are designed to meet the academic, social, physical, behavioural and emotional needs of adolescents. The sub-school is led by the Assistant Principal Middle School. Middle School students and their families are supported by the Year Level Coordinator for each year level, and the student counsellors.