池同学 148个月前 提问
- 老师,您能够详细介绍Murray Bridge High School吗?
- 148个月前回复
- Murray Bridge High School(http://m.liuxue360.com/au/murraybridgehs/), a regional State High School, offers pathways to cater for all students: Academic, Vocational and Regional Special Education. It has International programs including Rotary, Germany and New Zealand exchanges, fee paying International students and an International Short Term Visit program with DECS and Funabashi Municipal High School, Tokyo, Japan.
The academic program is diverse enabling specialisation in Arts, Performing Arts, Sciences and Information Technologies. Students entering in Year 8 may accelerate their studies. The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme provides the framework for the Middle School. In Senior School students undertake subjects across traditional year levels. Students undertake the new SACE (The South Australian Certificate of Education).