沉同学 145个月前 提问
- 老师您好,我知道阿伯丁大学是所世界知名的大学,请问下都有哪些杰出校友是从这里走出去的呢?
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刘颖老师 145个月前回复
- 阿伯丁大学(http://www.ukabdn.net.cn/)校友包括:Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1921:Frederick Soddy, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Aberdeen from 1914-1919, for his work on radioactivity and isotopes.弗雷德里克·索迪,于1910年提出了同位素假说,1913年发现了放射性元素的位移规律,为放射化学、核物理学这两门新学科的建立奠定了重要基础。因此荣获了1921年的诺贝尔化学奖。
Nobel Prize in Medicine 1923:Professor J J R Macleod, jointly with Frederick Banting, for the research which led to the development of insulin as a treatment for diabetes.约翰·麦克劳德,提取胰岛素,于1923年获诺贝尔生理学医学奖。
Nobel Prize in Physics 1937:Sir George Paget Thomson, Professor of Natural Philosophy (Physics) at Aberdeen from 1922-1930, together with the American physicist C J Davisson “for their (independent) experimental discovery of the diffraction of electrons by crystals”.乔治·佩吉特·汤姆森,英国物理学家,英国皇家学会会员,由于研究电子的衍射而证实电子的波动性而分获1937年诺贝尔物理奖。
Nobel Peace Prize 1947:Lord Boyd Orr, Director of the Rowett Institute and Professor of Agriculture from 1942 to 1945, in recognition of his contribution to the worldwide fight against hunger. 1947年诺贝尔和平奖获得者。
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1952:Richard L M Synge, a biochemist with the Rowett Institute from 1948 to 1967, for the invention of partition chromatography - a technique used in the separation mixtures of similar chemicals that revolutionised analytical chemistry.理查德·劳伦斯·米林顿·辛格,发明分溶层析法,获得了1952年度的诺贝尔化学奖。