华同学 140个月前 提问
- 你好,新加坡楷博高等教育学院课程设置是怎样的?
- 140个月前回复
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business with International Management 国际商务管理(荣誉)文学士学位
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business with Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business with Marketing 市场营销(荣誉)文学士学位
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Hospitality and Tourism Management
Master of Science in Business with Marketing Management 市场营销管理硕士学位
Master of Science in Business with Hospitality and Tourism Management 酒店及旅游管理硕士学位
Master of Science in Business with Financial Management 金融管理硕士学位