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- 新西兰坎特伯雷大学移民专业林业科学的课程介绍是什么?
- 138个月前回复
- 坎特伯雷大学
课程名称:Bachelor of Forestry Science (Level 7)
Forest Scientist
first-year courses:
FORE 111 Trees, Forests and the Environment
FORE 131 Trees in the Landscape
FORE 141 Forest Growth and Measurements
FORE 151 Commercial Aspects of Forestry
BIOL 112 Ecology, Evolution and Conservation
BIOL 113 Diversity of Life
CHEM100-level course – CHEM 114 Introductory Chemistry recommended
STAT 101Statistics 1
Second-year courses:
(1) FORE 205Forest Engineering
(2) FORE 215Introduction to Forest Economics
(3) FORE 218Forest Biology
(4) FORE 219Introduction to Silviculture
(5) FORE 222Biometry 1A
(6) FORE 224Biometry 1B
(7) SOIL 203Soil Fertility
Third -year courses:
(1) FORE 307Plantation Silviculture
(2) FORE 316Forest Management
(3) FORE 327Wood Science
(4) FORE 342Geospatial Technologies in Forestry
(5) One course from either the Bachelor of Forestry Science 400-level schedule elective list or one course of at least 15 points from courses offered for any other degree at the 200-level or above.
Fourth-year courses:
(1) FORE 419Management Case Study
(2) FORE 444Sustaining Biodiversity on Private Land
(3) FORE 445Environmental Forestry
(4) And any four electives from:
(a) FORE 404–409 Special Topics
(b) FORE 422Forest Harvest Planning
(c) FORE 423Forest Transportation and Road Design
(d) FORE 426Forest Products Marketing and International Trade
(e) FORE 435Forest Economics 2
(f) FORE 436Forest Tree Breeding
(g) FORE 441Engineered Wood Products
(h) FORE 443Biosecurity Risk Management
(i) FORE 475Independent Course of Study
(j) Up to 30 points from courses offered at 300-level or above for any other degree.