滕同学 136个月前 提问
- 英国利兹大学的知名校友都有哪些人啊?
- 136个月前回复
- 利兹大学是英国白玫瑰大学联盟,N8大学联盟,英联邦大学联盟(Association of Commonwealth Universities),欧洲大学联盟(European University Association),红砖大学(Red Brick University)和罗素大学集团(Russell Group)成员,每年获得的研究经费额度为英国各大学的前十名。利兹大学也是2012年伦敦奥运会中国代表队的训练基地之一。
1. Sir William Henry Bragg,OM,KBE,PRS - For their services in the analysis of crystal structure by means of X-rays.
2. Archer John Porter Martin - For the invention of partition chromatography.
3.Lord George Porter of Luddenham,OM,FRS - For studies of extremely fast chemical reactions.
4. Wole Soyinka - Who in a wide cultural perspective and with poetic overtones fashions the drama of existence and the first African to be honoured.
5. Richard Laurence Millington Synge - For the invention of partition chromatography;
6. ChristopherFay,CBE,chairman of the advisory committee on business and the environment,chairman of Expro International and a director with BAA and Anglo American,andchairman and chief executive of Shell UK from 1993–1998.
蒙古国总统恩赫巴雅尔;纳米比亚总统哈格; 香港艺人张国荣;NASA宇航员Piers Sellers;《指环王》作者J.R.R. TOLKIEN CBE教授,等。
道琼斯指数公司Dow Jones & Company首席财务执行官兼执行副主席 Stephen Daintith;联合利华Unilever主席 Ralph Kugler;德勒Deloitte会计事务所前主席,Martin SciclunaFCA;英国翠丰集团Kingfisher plc(LSE:KGF) CEO 兼主席 Peter Jackson;英国国家快运公司National Express Group plc(LSE:NEX) 前主席 Phil White;英国最大手机零售商,手机仓库公司Carphone Warehouse Group PLC(LSE:CPW) 首席执行官CEO Andrew Harrison;联合房产The UNITE Group plc(LSE:UTG)主席;Subir Raha ,印度石油公司Indian Oil Corporation和石油天然气公司Oil and Natural Gas Corporation前主席,董事长;迪拜工业城Dubai Industrial City执行主席,Rashed Al Ansari;Sarah Jones,Learn Direct首席执行官CEO;John R HirstThe Met Office首席执行官; Jayant Krishna,Tata Consultancy Services总顾问 等
JohnBattle,Labour Member of Parliament for LeedsWest (English,1976)
AlanCampbell,Labour Member of Parliament for Tynemouthand Government Whip (PGCE)
JonWharam,Communications Director for Tony Blair 1997-2001 (BA (Hons) Politicsand Parliamentary Studies)
NambarynEnkhbayar,President of Mongolia(Exchange student,1986)
Joséángel Gurría,Mexican economist,secretary general of the Organisation for EconomicCo-operation and Development (OECD)
KenHind,barrister and former Conservative Member of Parliament for West Lancashire (Law,1971)
EricIllsley,Labour Member of Parliament for BarnsleyCentral (LLB in Law)
ChristopherLeslie,Labour Member of Parliament for Shipley 1997-2005 (Politics andParliamentary Studies,1994)
ClareShort,Labour Member of Parliament for Birmingham Ladywood and formerInternational Development Secretary (Political Science,1969)
JackStraw,Labour Member of Parliament for Blackburn,current Justice Secretary andformer Home Secretary and Leader of the House of Commons(LLB in Law,1967)
PaulTruswell,Labour Member of Parliament for Pudsey (History,1977)
SimbaMakoni Zimbabwean Politician and Candidate for Zimbabwe Elections 2008
KamalAhmed,executive news editor,The Observer (Political studies,1990)
TimothyAllen,photojournalist (Zoology,1989)
StephenBeard,radio journalist,Londoncorrespondent for Marketplace from American Public Media (Law,1971)
SteveBell,political cartoonist for The Guardian (Fine Art,1974)
MarkByford,deputy Director-General of the BBC (LLB in Law,1979)
BarryCryer,comedian and scriptwriter (English,did not graduate)
PaulDacre,editor of the Daily Mail (English,1970)
GavinEsler,Newsnight anchor (MA Anglo-Irish Literature,1975)
JenniFalconer,television presenter (Student,Spanish and Italian,1990s)
SimonHattenstone,features writer,The Guardian (English,1984)
JohnHolmes,journalist and socialite (Classics,1937)
AndyKershaw,DJ and broadcaster (Politics)