万同学 126个月前 提问
- 请问申请清迈大学的本科需要准备那些材料?
- 126个月前回复
- Applicants are required to submit the following documents:
1.One copy of the completed Application Form 申请表
2.Two 1-inch, full-face photographs taken within the last 6 months. 1寸照
3.For Thai nationals: a copy of the Thai I.D. Card and home registration paper.
4.For foreign but non English speaking nationals: a copy of the I.D. Card with official
English language translation. 护照首页
5.High school official transcript, Thai or English, or its foreign equivalent (if not in English, please submit the original document with an official English language translation). 成绩单
6.High school graduation certificate or diploma, Thaior English, or itsforeignequivalent(ifnotinEnglish,pleases ubmittheoriginal document with an official English language translation). 高中及同等学历毕业证
7.A letter of recommendation from previous high school/institute. 高中老师推荐信
8.Health certificate, Thai or English, issued within the last 6 months. 健康证明
9.Application Fee (Non-refundable) 申请费
10.English Placement Test Fee (if any) 英语测试费