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- 国际学院
约瑟夫-克贝尔国际研究学院(Josef Korbel School of International Studies):由Ben Cherrington博士在1929年创立,当时的名字是国际关系学院。1964年,时任学院院长的约瑟夫-克贝尔(美国前国务卿马德琳·奥尔布赖特女士的父亲和前国务卿、前国家安全顾问康多莉扎·赖斯女士的大学启蒙老师)将其更名为国际研究研究生院。
2008年5月28日,丹佛大学University of Denver为了纪念这位来自前捷克斯洛伐克的杰出外交家和教育家,便将其更名为现在的约瑟夫-克贝尔国际研究学院。该学院的最强项是其硕士教育,在《外交政策》(Foreign Policy)杂志2006-2007年度的国际研究硕士教育方面排名名列全美第9位,并且在2009年3月至4月刊的该杂志排名中该学院的硕士教育名列世界第12位。奥尔布赖特在该杂志上对该学院的评价是:“If we were to imagine what a prospective world leader might look for in a graduate school, it‘s all right here.”该学院现有7个硕士专业分别是Global Finance, Trade and Economic Integration (GFTEI),International Administration,International Development,International Human Rights,International Security,International Studies和Master’s in International Practice。学院除了这7个硕士专业外还有3个Dual Degree Programs,分别是:Global Finance, Trade and Economic Integration & International MBA,International Studies & Juris Doctorate 和International Studies & MSW;3个Certificate Programs,分别是:Global Heath Affairs,Humanitarian Assistance和Homeland Security;当然还有博士项目。另外,该学院还设有14个国际问题研究中心、机构和特别项目,它们分别是The Center for China-U.S. Cooperation,The Institute for the Study of Israel in the Middle East,The Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures,The Center on Rights Development,Human Rights & Human Welfare,The Institute on Globalization and Security,The Intermodal Transportation Institute,The Josef Korbel Journal of Advanced International Studies,The Center for Teaching International Relations,The Collaborative Refugee and Immigrant Information Center,The Center for Sustainable Development and International Peace,The Center for the Study of Europe & the World,The International Career Advancement Program和Global Health Affairs。由该学院支持的学生社团就有18个,例如:Council on International Finance, Trade, and Economics (CIFTE),Sustainable International Development Institute (SIDI),Center on Rights Development (CORD),International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM)等。该学院非常重视国际学生的录取工作,录取的国际学生来自包括美国在内的30多个国家和地区,国际学生在申请该学院时必须提供GRE和TOEFL成绩,或者GRE和IELTS成绩。到目前为止(2010年2月)学院要求TOEFL的最低分数是Internet-based score: 95, Computer-based score: 240, Paper-based score: 587;IELTS的最低分数是7.0。
从2010年9月1日开始,学院将迎来一位重要的客人,他就是前六方会谈美国代表团团长、前助理国务卿、现任美国驻伊拉克大使克里斯托弗·希尔(Christopher Hill)。希尔将接替现任院长Tom Farer,成为该院的新一任院长。希尔曾经还担任过美国驻韩国大使、美国驻波兰大使、美国驻马其顿大使和美国派往科索沃的特使。在谈到他为什么想成为该学院的一员时,他说道:“I am delighted to be coming to the Korbel School this fall. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime to work with such talented faculty and staff and to do my part in providing the finest education possible for graduate and undergraduate students alike. I also look forward to being a member of the broader University of Denver community, and to contributing in any way I can to the friendly and scholarly atmosphere of this extraordinary center of learning,”