
毛同学 102个月前 提问
伊利诺伊理工学院(Illinois Institute of Technology,缩写IIT)是一所位于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥市的私立研究型大学,提供的课程包括:工程、科学、心理学、建筑学、商科、传媒、工业技术、信息技术、设计与法律。

留学360介绍:伊利诺伊理工学院由阿芒技术学院(Armour Institute of Technology,成立于1940年)和刘易斯工学院(Lewis Institute,成立于1895年)合并而成。1930年代的经济大萧条让这两所学院不得不想办法应对学校积压的大量债务。1939年阿芒与刘易斯决定合并:1940年在原阿芒技术学院的基础上正式建立新的伊利诺伊理工学院,而原刘易斯工学院则出售给芝加哥市政府。二战后,伊利诺伊理工学院发展十分迅猛,先后合并了三所芝加哥地区的学校:1949年合并设计学院(Institute of Design),1969年合并芝加哥-肯特法学院(Chicago-Kent College of Law)、1986年合并中西部工程学院(Midwest College of Engineerin)。1969年建立了斯图尔特商学院。




1.Off-Campus Dining

2.For such a small institution we are very lucky we are building a new innovation center with the city of chicago.

3.The professors are on top of new and innovating topics, very diversified and knowledgeable.

4.Campus Strictness

5.The lab computers are pretty good.

6.There are many ways for people to get around on campus.

7.IIT does have high requirements for their programs, but they do make it as easy as possible for application.

8.The teachers/administrators are very helpful which is important for a person who works full-time and must take classes on the internet.

9.Students are very respectful of the campus rules so there is nothing much going on, and if it is it is very very very subtle

10.Of all the schools I applied to, Illinois Tech was the school that rewarded students the most financially for academic achievement.
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