朱同学 102个月前 提问
- 曼彻斯特大学法学专业怎么样?
- 102个月前回复
- 曼彻斯特大学前身是创立于1851和1824年的英国著名的曼彻斯特维多利亚大学和曼彻斯特理工大学,这两所世界一流学府经过上百年的独立发展,终于于2004年10月合二为一,成为今天的曼彻斯特大学;两强联盟为曼大进升为世界顶级名校奠定了坚实的基础,它将继续成为全球优秀学生的首选之地,也必将为号称英国“知识之都”的曼彻斯特市注入新的活力。
International Financial Law LLM国际金融法
主要课程:The Laws & Practice of International Banking & Finance ; International Sale of Goods ; International Carriage of Goods by Sea; Banking & Payment in International Sales ; International Economic Law and Economics for Lawyers (along with several other more generic optional course units).
International Trade Transactions LLM国际贸易事务法
主要课程:International Carriage of Goods by Sea ; Banking & Payment in International Sales; The Laws & Practice of International Banking & Finance; Electronic Commerce Law; Competition Law in an International Context; and International Commercial Arbitration Law (along with several other more generic optional course units).
Intellectual Property Law LLM知识产权法
主要课程:Trade Mark Law & Policy; Patent Law & Policy; and Copyright Law & Policy,Industrial Design Law; International Aspects of Intellectual Property Law; Unfair Competition Law; and Globalisation, Brands & Business Organisation
International Business and Commercial Law LLM国际商务商业法
Corporations and International Business Law ; Principles and Practice of Corporate Governance; International Commercial Arbitration Law ; International Sale of Goods ; International Carriage of Goods by Sea ; Conflict of Laws in Business and Commerce; International Financial Services; Banking and Payment in International Sales; and The Laws and Practice of International Banking and Finance ; Globalisation, Brands and Business Organisation.