竺同学 102个月前 提问
- 南安普顿大学计算机专业如何?
- 102个月前回复
- 普敦大学充满活力,不断创新,是英国最好的研究性大学之一。立思辰留学介绍说,它在许多领域都有很高的建树。在这里,学生们可以接触到最新的知识和思想,可以聆听各学科最前沿教授的讲课。在RAE2001科研水平评估中,南安普敦大学有34个学科参评,其中24个学科达到最高级别的5或5*,还有18个学科达到了4分。这说明南安普敦大学在英国研究性大学中位居前10名。
(MSc Systems and Signal Processing ** subject to approval)
MSc Artificial Intelligence
MSc in Bionanotechnology
MSc Energy and Sustainability with Electrical Power Engineering (now recruiting for 2010 entry)
MSc Microelectronics Systems Design
MSc in MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS)
Msc Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology
MSc Software Engineering
MSc System-on-a-Chip
MSc Systems and Signal Processing ** subject to approval
MSc Web Science
MSc Web Technology
MSc Wireless Communications
学位名称:MSc Artificial Intelligence
First- or upper second-class honours degree or equivalent in an appropriate discipline (eg mathematics, physics, engineering, computer science); additional entry requirements for MSc Web Technology are given on our website: http://www.soton.ac.uk
学位名称:MSc in Bionanotechnology
First- or upper second-class honours degree or equivalent in an appropriate discipline (eg mathematics, physics, engineering, computer science); additional entry requirements for MSc Web Technology are given on our website: http://www.soton.ac.uk
学位名称:MSc Energy and Sustainability with Electrical Power Engineering (now recruiting for 2010 entry)
First- or upper second-class honours degree or equivalent in an appropriate discipline (eg mathematics, physics, engineering, computer science); additional entry requirements for MSc Web Technology are given on our website: http://www.soton.ac.uk
学位名称:MSc Microelectronics Systems Design
First- or upper second-class honours degree or equivalent in an appropriate discipline (eg mathematics, physics, engineering, computer science); additional entry requirements for MSc Web Technology are given on our website: http://www.soton.ac.uk
学位名称:MSc in MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS)
First- or upper second-class honours degree or equivalent in an appropriate discipline (eg mathematics, physics, engineering, computer science); additional entry requirements for MSc Web Technology are given on our website: http://www.soton.ac.uk
学位名称:Msc Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology
First- or upper second-class honours degree or equivalent in an appropriate discipline (eg mathematics, physics, engineering, computer science); additional entry requirements for MSc Web Technology are given on our website: http://www.soton.ac.uk
学位名称:MSc Software Engineering
It is expected that you have taken a first degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a closely related subject. In particular you should check that you have covered the core subjects listed in the ACM/IEEE Computer Science Curriculum.
This course assumes you have programming experience, and are familiar with the Java programming language. You can learn about this language, for example, by following Sun’s Java Tutorial, which is available on-line and also in book form.
It is also assumed that you are already familiar with modern software development techniques, and in particular the UML notation. This is covered by many good textbooks, for example UML Distilled, by Martin Fowler, from Addison Wesley.
Finally, you should familiarise yourself with a formal method such as B or Z. Two books covering these are The B Method, by Steve Schneider, from Palgrave Macmillan, and Formal Specification Using Z, by David Lightfoot, from Palgrave Macmillan.[$pagetag]
学位名称:MSc System-on-a-Chip
First- or upper second-class honours degree or equivalent in an appropriate discipline (eg ma