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- 伦敦大学圣乔治学院杰出校友有哪些?
- 99个月前回复
- 学校介绍
伦敦大学圣乔治学院(St George‘s, University of London,法定名:St George’s Hospital Medical School,非正式:St George‘s或SGUL)是位于英国伦敦的一所医学院,是伦敦大学下属学院。历史可追溯至1733年,是仅次于牛津大学的英格兰第二所提供医生培训课程的机构。伦敦大学城成立不久后乔治学院便即加入。
伦敦大学圣乔治学院是一所以医学教学质量优良著称的学院。教学地点位于英国科技信息最发达的城市-伦敦,同时配备预科阶段临床实践课程。该校学生将在坐落于伦敦大学圣乔治学院校园内英国最高声誉之一的圣乔治医院进行临床实践,并将由圣乔治医院的权威大学教授现场指导。2009年和2010年《泰晤士报》高等教育调查授予伦敦大学圣乔治学院 “伦敦最佳学生体验称号”。
约翰·亨特 John Hunter(1728–1793), Scottish surgeon 现代外科手术之父
爱德华·詹纳(Edward Jenner)免疫学之父
Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, English physiologist and surgeon who pioneered research into bone and joint disease
Walter Butler Cheadle(1836–1910), English paediatrician
Sir John William Fisher(1788–1876), British surgeon
Henry GrayFRS(1827–1861), English anatomist and surgeon most notable for publishing the book Gray’s Anatomy
Harry Hill(1964- ), EnglishBAFTA-winning comedian, author and television presenter
Mike Stroud(1955-), English physician and eminent explorer
William Hunter(1718–1783), Scottish anatomist and physician
Edward JennerFRS(1749–1823), English scientist and the first doctor to introduce and study thesmallpox vaccine
Francis Laking(1847-1914), Surgeon-Apothecary to Queen Victoria, Physician in Ordinary to King Edward VII and George V
Christine Lee, Emeritus Professor of Haemophilia in the University of London
Keith McCarthy(1960- ), Writer of crime fiction
George PearsonFRS(1751–1858), physician, chemist and early advocate of Jenner‘s cowpox vaccination
Paul Sinha(1970- ), Stand-up comedian
Patrick Christopher Steptoe(1913–1988), British obstetrician, gynaecologist and pioneer of fertility treatment. Responsible for developingin vitro fertilization
Sir Francis Darwin- botanist, son of Charles Darwin
Edward Adrian Wilson(1872–1912), English polar explorer, physician, naturalist, painter and ornithologist
Thomas Young(1773–1829), English polymath