成同学 98个月前 提问
- 康涅狄格大学有哪些杰出人才?
- 98个月前回复
- 康涅狄格大学(University of Connecticut,简称UCONN),是美国一所著名的公立研究型大学,被众多学者誉为“公立常春藤”,因此受到社会高度评价。根据USNEWS,2016全美公立大学排名第19位,全美最佳大学排名57位。康涅狄格大学创建于1881年,主校区位于美国最富有州之一的康涅狄格州的曼斯菲尔德镇的斯托尔斯。该校2016财年的总经费预算高达28亿美元。现任大学校长是女政治学家苏珊·赫布斯特博士——苏珊是该校建校以来第一位女校长。新英格兰的科教走廊是哈特福德和斯普林菲尔德附近地区重要的经贸和文化合伙机构,而康涅狄格大学正是该机构的发起者之一。
Business and Industry
Robert Diamond – president & CEO of Barclays Bank
Clifford Grodd (1924–2010) – president and chief executive of Paul Stuart
George Harrison– senior president atNintendo
John Klein – former chairman, CEO, president of People‘s United Bank
Bob Kaufman – president and co-founder of Bob’s Discount Furniture
William S. Simon - president and CEO of U.S Operations for Walmart
Diplomacy, government & politics
Bona Arsenault – former Canadian Member of Parliament
Richard Calder – prominentCIAofficial
Tansu ?iller – first female Prime Minister of Turkey
Joe Courtney- Democratic U.S. Congressman
Charles A. Duelfer – head of the Iraq Survey Group