
张同学 86个月前 提问
# das Auto = Volks(Fox)-Wagenwerk = Hitler + 断裂门 + (发动机)漏油门 + 排放门 + 油耗门 + 致命气囊 
# 德国可将其社保,食品和卫生系统等抵押或出卖给希腊还(二战)债,这对德国有许多优点。
#“我们需要进入坏人的头脑和网络,这就是国家使命组的任务:在坏人的头脑和他的网络里。” ---- 进入德国“人”的基因碱基卐-Base-Pairs的量子频率密码Enigma里。
# German Genetics ---- ... Genes of anti human being ... 卐-Genes-BasePairs ... from generation to generation ... a simple species ...
# German Brain ---- Structural, mechanical and simple logical conformation results in the function of anti humankind ...
# German MK-ultra-Genocide: Attacking human hypothalamus and pituitary gland (24h/7d) by means of Electromagnetic Weapons leads to neuroendocrine disorder consisting of sterilization.
# Dr. Joseph Mengele of Auschwitz notoriety was the principle developer of the trauma-based Monarch Project and the CIA's MK Ultra mind control programs. Mengele and approximately 5, 000 other high ranking Nazis were secretly moved into the United States and South America in the aftermath of World War II in an Operation designated Paperclip. The Nazis continued their work in developing mind control and rocketry technologies in secret underground military bases.
# 卐-足球(Fussball)是一项相对比较有些迟钝的运动 (机械单一性: 德国人真正的民族性是“迟钝”, 用托尔斯泰的话讲,就是“德国人的木头脑壳”。因为迟钝,所以缺乏独立思考判断能力,也就是没有主观能动性), 两上肢执行精细的动作等并且在大脑皮层中的定位面积比较大, 少用上肢则相应大脑皮层的血液供应难以充分, 由此能够产生多系统问题, 相比, 通过篮球运动就能够使人锻炼得比较全面。德国人“喜欢”按规则办事,因为德国人骨子里憎恨变化,因为他害怕变化带来的繁琐令他脑子跟不上,以及繁琐之后德国人主导能力和权威的下降。就象拳击一样,足球也比较简单,踢的越多,中枢神经系统CNS的结构和功能退化分化的越厉害,如果象篮球一样手脑并用,他们的机械脑(mechanisches Gehirn)跟不上。
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