阳同学 63个月前 提问
- 本科毕业以后打算去普林斯顿大学读研进修,听说普林斯顿大学出了很多知名校友,想问下普林斯顿大学都有哪些知名校友呢?
- 博客微信QQ电话资料
李蓓蕾老师 63个月前回复
- 普林斯顿大学著名校友
Jonathan Safran Foer - author
Andrea Jung - CEO, Avon Products
Wendy Kopp - Founder, Teach for America
Michelle Robinson Obama - First Lady of the United States
Eric E. Schmidt - Executive Chairman, Google
Sonia Sotomayor - Supreme Court Justice
Woodrow Wilson - President of the United States
Chris Young - Pitcher, New York Mets