
卢同学 42个月前 提问
请问加拿大约克大学Master of Design硕士的作品集要求是什么?
"以下转自官方:Design Portfolio
oThe portfolio should include between ten and fifteen (10-15) pieces that can be uploaded as a PDF in the portfolio section of your online application (2.5 MB limit

作品集应包括10至15(10-15)件,以PDF格式上传(限制2.5 MB)
oIf the portfolio is a URL, this address can be uploaded in a PDF file. Alternatively, the portfolio can be submitted on a DVD or USB drive and directed to the Graduate Program Assistant in the Department of Design
oPlease ensure that your portfolio can be viewed using a Mac computer. Also include the title, date of completion, medium/technical information, and a description of each piece.
· Statement
oA statement of 500-750 words that addresses your interests and reasons for applying to a graduate program at this time and a description of the current direction of your design interests."
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